About 25 years ago, maybe a little bit more, I found Natural Agriculture in Japan. There was a small gathering of young people and I saw a female staff member eating Daikon ruddish directly after washing, raw during the break.
It was a shocking picture of a young woman biting a raw Daikon. She said “eating raw is the best way to taste Natural Agriculture vegetables”. The image of that scene remains in me so vividly.
Actually, people feel dense flavours with Natural Agriculture vegetables most of the time. A simple dish will make you feel the difference, such as steaming and roasting.
Unfortunately, we are not ready to sell fresh vegetables online. Arranging the timing of harvest and delivery is still challenging for us.
If you go to a farmer’s market, please ask the grower if they grow without any inputs. Depending on the vegetable, you may find zero input vegetables.
At this moment, we have some Kabocha pumpkins. If you’d like to try, please contact us.
We hope to have more vegetables and fruit growers.

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